New Year’s card 1993: Jan, Johan and Hilde


The photograph was taken by Lieve Blancquaert, the layout was by architect M. José Van Hee. There was in fact no specific theme, but I was inspired by an invitation for an exhibition at the Meert-Rihoux gallery in Brussels. The card showed a photograph of artist Jef Geys kissing gallery-owner Greta Meert. The simplicity and geniality of the image appealed to me. We made a photograph of me being kissed by my two male employees at the bookshop: Jan Nonneman and Johan.

The text on the back of the card was a Haiku by the eighteenth-century Japanese poet Shiro:

“Morning is breaking
and last night’s storm
is buried in snow.”

<p>Foto’s Lieve Blancquaert</p>

Foto’s Lieve Blancquaert

<p>Maquette voor de postkaart</p>

Maquette voor de postkaart

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