Copyright Bookshop Antwerpen

Exhibition in Antwerp ‘Haarstraat = Artstraat’


In 1997 we mounted an exhibition entitled ‘Haarstraat = Artstraat’ in the empty houses of the street. We selected architects and artists whose names include the three letters ‘ART’ (Maarten Van Severen, bOb Van Reeth, Narcisse Tordoir, Walter Van Beirendonck and others). Restaurants and cafés in the street (‘Matelote’, now ‘Gin Fish’; ‘Café de la Gare’, now ‘Mangi e Bevi’; ‘De Lantaarn’) joined in.

A year later Copyright organized a discussion evening with artists, gallery owners and critics in the Zuiderpershuis on the theme of ‘the art trade’ to tie in with the publication ‘The Gallery as a vehicle for art’ by the Amsterdam gallery owner Paul Andriesse. There were contributions by (among others) Jan Fabre, Bart Cassiman, Luc Tuymans and Bart De Baere.

<p>Foto van Priscilla<br />
Bistoen en installatie van bob Van Reeth</p>

Foto van Priscilla
Bistoen en installatie van bob Van Reeth

<p>Het Haarstraatje, barstensvol</p>

Het Haarstraatje, barstensvol

<p>Links en rechts: participerende kunstenaars Ingrid Castelein en Jean-Marie Bytebier</p>

Links en rechts: participerende kunstenaars Ingrid Castelein en Jean-Marie Bytebier

<p>Hanne en Johan Boutelegier (die ook meedeed aan de tentoonstelling)</p>

Hanne en Johan Boutelegier (die ook meedeed aan de tentoonstelling)

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