- Signing sessions and lectures
- Fairs
- Our New Year cards
- Window Projects
- Copyright Bookshop Antwerpen
- Copyright Bookshop Ghent
Signing sessions and lectures
- 2024Caroline Voet book presentation ‘A House to Live in. 16 Variations by Dom Hans van der Laan and His Companions’
- 2024Artist Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven signs ’33 women series’ in Copyright Anywerp
- 2023Window display and book signing by Klaas Rommelaere following his publication ‘Johnny’ in Copyright Antwerp
- 2023Belgian Fashion Designer Edouard Vermeulen (Natan Couture) signs his book in Copyright Antwerp
- 2023Fashion designer Kris Van Assche signs his book ’55 Collections’ in Copyright Antwerp
- 2022Karien Vandekerkhove ‘Dear Light, dearest dearest Light: book presentation and window
- 2022Ria Bosman Selected Works 1978-2021: Book presentation and installation
- 2021Book launch monography of artist Arne Quinze
- 2021Tyler Brûle, founder and creative director of Monocle and Wallpaper*Magazine, signs The Monocle Books of Homes in Copyright Antwerp
- 2021Landscape architect Erik Dhont signs his new book ‘Works 1999-2020’ in Copyright Bookshop Antwerp
- 2020Radio streaming by architecture magazine A+ for the publication URA, Yves Malisse & Kiki Verbeeck, Architectural Projects 2002-2020
- 2019Marie-José Van Hee signs her book ‘Marie-José Van Hee Architecten. More Home, More Garden
- 2019Presentation of Confessions 1
- 2019Louis De Cordier presents his publication ‘Biblioteca del Sol’ in Copyright Gent
- 2019Presentation Valentine C Perfume 14th by artist Peter de Cupere
- 2019Book launch and signing of ‘Wim Vanlessen Dancer’
- 2019Book launch ‘Do You want your Feet Back? Barefoot Cobblers’
- 2018Vincent Van Duysen signs his monograph ‘Works 2009-2018’
- 2018ARCHIVES #3 Architecten de Vylder Vinck Taillieu
- 2018Thomas Bogaert signs his book ‘The Camera Series’ in the Wunderkammer of MDD (Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens) and makes a shop window in Copyright Gent
- 2018Bruno Roels signs his book ‘The Pyramids and Palm Trees Test’ in Copyright Antwerp
- 2018Book launch ‘Cross Section’ and conversation with architects Gijs Van Vaerenberg
- 2017Paul Robbrecht, Hilde Daem and Johannes Robbrecht sign their book ‘An Architectural Anthology’ in Copyright Gent
- 2017‘Action Drawing’ with Jarno Kettunen at Copyright Antwerp
- 2017Nel Aerts en Vaast Colson make drawings for 2 days at Copyright Ghent
- 2017Walter Van Beirendonck signs his book ‘Power Mask – The Power of Mask’ at Copyright Antwerp
- 2017Dries Van Noten signs his 2 volume book ‘1 – 100’ at Copyright Antwerp
- 2017Book presentation ‘Colour Sells’ by Hilde Francq
- 2017D.D. Trans signs his book at Copyright Antwerp and installs some works in the windows
- 2017Koen Fillet shows his linotypes at Copyright Antwerp
- 2016Patrick Van Caeckenbergh signs ‘Les Nébuleuses. Mon tout: Les étourdissements’
- 2016Piet Raemdonck signs his monography and makes an installation in window of Copyright Antwerp
- 2016Book launch Arpaïs du bois ‘Tout droit vers la fin en sifflotant’
- 2015Window and performance by artist Honoré d’O
- 2015Luc Vleugels book launch and window in Copyright Antwerpen: ‘C’ME Brutalist’
- 2015Renato Nicolodi Book Launch at Copyright Antwerp, with live music by Ignatz
- 2014Katrien De Blauwer signs ‘I Do Not Want to Disappear Silently into the Night’ at Copyright Antwerp
- 2014‘Freunde von Freunden: Friends of Friends’ book launch at Copyright Antwerp
- 2014Artist Feline Minne signs her autobiographical debut ‘Medea and me’ and makes a window installation at Copyright Ghent.
- 2014‘The Book as Object’: art installation in Copyright Booshop Ghent, 16-17/06/2014
- 2014Henk Visch makes a window installation and signes his book ‘Exactly how I remembered it’ in Copyright Bookshop Ghent
- 2013Van Duysen signs a.MAG 04 at Copyright Bookshop Antwerpen
- 2013ARPAÎS du bois signs ‘Petit livre qui ne tient pas debout’
- 2012Berlinde De Bruyckere signs ‘Romeo My Deer’
- 2012Gert Voorjans signs his book ‘Interior Life’ at Copyright Bookshop Antwerp
- 2012Erwin Olaf signs his book ‘Own’
- 2012Jean-Marie Bytebier signs ‘Verleden/Continuous’ at Copyright Bookshop Ghent
- 2011Book launch “Belgian designers and their interior” published by Luster in Copyright Antwerp
- 2011Dirk Braeckman signs in Copyright Bookshop Ghent
- 2011Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven signs her book ‘The Mistress of the Horizon’
- 2011ARPAÏS du bois signs ‘Where We Met’
- 2011Michaël Borremans signs in Copyright Bookshop Ghent
- 2010Studio Job presentation and signing of ‘Book of Job’
- 2010Stephen Jones signs his book ‘Stephen Jones & The Accent of Fashion’ (Momu Antwerp)
- 2010Vincent Van Duysen signs his ‘Complete Works’
- 2009Ed Templeton signs ‘Deformer’
- 2008Michaël Borremans signs ‘Whistling a Happy Tune’
- 2007Luc Tuymans signs his book ‘I don’t get it’
- 2006Jan De Cock presents his book ‘Denkmal II’
- 2006Stephane Beel signs “El Croquis’ in he new law court in Ghent
- 2002David Hockney signs ‘Geheime kennis. Secret Knowledge’
- 2001Christian Kieckens signs his book ‘Searching Thinking Constructing’
- 2000Maarten Van Severen signs his first monograph
- 1996Rem Koolhaas en “S,M,L,XL” conference in Ghent concert hall
- 1994Presentation of a monograph on Maur-Etienne Van Doorslaer
- 1985Patrick Van Caeckenbergh signs ‘Les Nébuleuses. Mon tout: Les étourdissements’

David Hockney signs ‘Geheime kennis. Secret Knowledge’
We received a phone call from publisher’s Ludion asking if we might be interested in a book-signing session with David Hockney. Naturally, we were very enthusiastic. The only problem was that Hockney would be there the following week, so there was no time to spread the word. A couple of posters in the shop windows at Copyright Ghent and Antwerp, word of mouth advertising… that was all we could do.
The evening was a great success, with a very charming Hockney and lots of happy people.