Younger than Jezus: The Generation Book + Artist Directory

Sarah Valdez (Ed.), Lauren Cornell, Massimiliano Gioni,Laura Hoptman

New Museum NY, Steidl & Phaidon, 2009


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Jesus died at the age of 33. The Generation Book, which accompanied the first New Museum triennial, Younger Than Jesus, focuses on artists born after 1975. Departing from popular assertions about the group, which the media has dubbed the “Millennials,” or “Generation Y,” this reader presents the work of nearly 50 international artists, based on the conviction that radical gestures have often been carried out by young artists. It illuminates both the shared practices and the dramatic differences found within this age group. Along with a generous selection of color reproductions of the artists’ work, this volume includes essays by exhibition curators Lauren Cornell, Massimiliano Gioni and Laura Hoptman, along with an anthology of reprinted texts by a diverse group of writers–including philosophers, sociologists and technology experts–which contextualize the work within the significant events of the past 30 years–for example, globalization and the increased networking of culture and daily life.

The Younger than Jesus: Artist Directory is a guidebook to the future of art. Working with a research team made up of more than 150 curators, teachers, critics, bloggers and artists scattered across the globe, New Museum curators Massimiliano Gioni, Lauren Cornell and Laura Hoptman have selected over 500 of the best international artists under the age of 33. While most generational surveys are retrospective, this one is predictive, anticipating the future and revealing upcoming trends. Younger than Jesus: Artist Directory is therefore an unparalleled resource for curators, collectors, dealers, critics – anyone interested in up-to-the-minute contemporary art. This thorough but accessible, lightweight and affordable paperback is not so much a yearbook as a lavishly illustrated search engine, an invaluable tool for accessing the most vibrant and energetic art produced today. By serving as a handbook to currrent artistic innovation, it also appeals to artists, designers and anyone curious about the latest developments in visual culture


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The Generation book: 505 pagina's, 23 x 16,5 cm, Artist Directory 540 pagina's, 28,8 x 25 cm, paperbacks, Engels