Léon Stynen: Gevecht met de rede / Leven en werk
Albert Bontridder, bibliography by Paul De Vree
Comité Léon Stynen, 1979
1 op voorraad
A book written by a modernist Belgian architect for a modernist Belgian architect.
Albert Bontridder was a Belgian poet and architect (1921-2015). He worked for over twenty-five years with Jacques Dupuis (1914-1984), the most original Walloon architect of his generation, and also built up his own oeuvre (including the house of Louis Paul Boon).
Léon Stynen (1899-1990) played a key role in creating an architectural identity for his hometown of Antwerp, beyond the borders of the city’s old town and its 19th-century suburbs. He also built a number of significant modernist buildings across Flanders.
Bontridder wrote this publication on the occasion of Stynen’s eightieth birthday.
Our copy is in very good condition.