Convivial Ground: Stories from Collaborative Spatial Spaces

Constructlab, Joanne Pouzenc, Alex Römer, Peter Zuiderwijk (Eds.)

Jovis, 2023


We are all improvising. We are all making decisions. And we are all watching each other improvise. Together, we are improvising. Decisions become shared ones. We will have built this city together.
Convivial Ground invites the reader to discover the work of the transdisciplinary European design-build network Constructlab piece by piece. Taking Ivan Illich’s understanding of conviviality as departure point, the essays, conversations, stories, and images in the book reflect on the specificities of collaborative practices as situated experiments, as well as on their possible roles in the creation of convivial societies. Exploring contemporary conditions of togetherness, learning, and working, the book is not a “how-to” guide, but an invitation to cooperatively write new convivial narratives.

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ISBN: 9783986120047

480 pagina's, illustraties in kleur & z/w, 18 x 11 cm, paperback, Engels