Vrouwen in de vormgeving 1880-1940 (in Nederland)

Marjan Groot

Nai010 uitgevers, 2023


In this re-edition of the standard work ‘Women in design in the Netherlands’, which was published in 2007, the activities of often forgotten female designers are once again brought into the spotlight.

The contribution of women to applied art and industrial design in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1940 has remained significantly underexposed. And this is a period in which the emancipation of women made progress in many areas.

Initially, women focused on typically female textile crafts such as needlework and weaving, a consequence of the socially legitimized difference between men’s and women’s work. From 1895 they also worked as painters at pottery factories, as graphic designers, batik makers and traditional bookbinders. After 1904, designing for copperware was added, and from 1910 onwards, artisanal silversmithing. Later, women started working as independent art potters, furniture designers and interior designers. From the late 1920s they also focused on designing industrially produced metal utensils.

Women in Design discusses in detail the participation of women in exhibitions, the studios, shops and galleries that women started and led, the networks they used for their work and the fields in which they worked. Personal documents reveal the idealism of women who chose an artistic craft in a period when the entire field of applied art and industrial design was emancipated as a professional field compared to the visual arts. The book concludes with an extensive biographical lexicon and various appendices including exhibition overviews. IN DUTCH!


ISBN: 9789462087811

598 pages, illustrated, 24,7 x 17,5 cm, hardcover, Dutch