Theo Derksen: Kairos

Theo Derksen, Stef van Bellingen

Lecturis, 2024


With a career spanning decades, Dutch photographer Theo Derksen (°1954) has built up an impressive oeuvre. His ability to capture the essence of the moment, combined with his view of the world, has resulted in a remarkable portfolio. His book Kairos marks an important milestone in that oeuvre. It is a collection of 88 carefully selected black-and-white photographs from work made on medium-format film from 1997 to 2006. The images were taken in various locations, including China, India, the US, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Egypt, Romania, Thailand, Syria and Russia. This previously unpublished collection not only represents an artistic choice, but also an important moment for Derksen: it is the last series of black-and-white photographs he made in the analogue era before his transition to digital colour photography. His exploration of the possibilities of digital photography resulted in his first publication in colour, Disneyfication.


ISBN: 9789462265196

232 pages, b/w images, 32,2 x 24,2 cm, paperback, Dutch/English