Suze Robertson: Toegewijd, eigenzinnig, modern

Kees van der Geer, Suzanne Veldink, Annemiek van Stokkom, Laura Kolkena

Scriptum Art Books, 2022


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Suze Robertson (1855–1922) was and is counted among the great artists of her day; a radical innovator, partly thanks to her surprising use of color and materials. Despite her significance for Dutch art, a hundred years after her death many questions about her work and life remained unanswered. Her oeuvre had never been mapped out in this way. People also still wondered: what was she aiming for artistically? How did she work? And why did she mainly draw and paint women?
This comprehensive and lavishly illustrated book answers these questions. This first comprehensive study of Robertson’s oeuvre places her in Dutch art history in the context of her time. In seven chapters, on the basis of new and innovative research into her work, her studio practice and her life, a picture is sketched as complete as possible of this special and unjustly forgotten artist. IN DUTCH!


ISBN: 9789463192552

200 pages, 225 illustrations, 28 x 24 cm, hardcover, Dutch