Rodin: Dessiner, Découper
Sophie Biass-Fabiani (Ed.)
Musée Rodin, & Hazan, 2018
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For the very first time, the Rodin Museum presented all of Auguste Rodin’s cut-out figures. Cut-out drawing is an avant-garde technique which experienced significant development in the 20th century, most often by sculptor artists. The work brings together all of Rodin’s known cuttings, approximately 110, of which only three drawings seem to have been exhibited during his lifetime. Added to this are other earlier drawings of the same compositional scheme present in the collection of the Rodin museum but also watercolors, retouched photographs, sculptures and even art objects from the Rodin collection (antique masks or Japanese, Japanese paper cutouts, works by artist friends which were offered to Rodin) which use the same plastic cutting means. The work opens up to other artists who, in the 20th century, also created paper cutouts, such as Henri Matisse, Georges Braque and even Pablo Picasso. IN FRENCH!
Our copy is new and in perfect condition.
ISBN: 9782754110631