Pioniers: Fotografie door vrouwen

Elwin Hendrikse, Saskia Asser

Nai010 Uitgevers, 2024


Since the invention of photography in 1839, women have been active as photographers, but their work has received much less attention than that of their male colleagues. From the more than 15 million photos stored at the Dutch National Archives in The Hague, work by 42 women from the period 1859–1999 has been selected for Pioneers – Photography by Women. All of them can be described as innovators and their work paved the way for subsequent generations of photographers.

Pioneers focuses on well-known and lesser-known photographers from the Netherlands and abroad. For example, the work of Emmy Andriesse, Eva Besnyö, Maya Pejić, Eve Arnold and Margaret Bourke-White can be seen. This special selection gives an impression of the wealth and diversity of the extensive photo collection of the National Archives. IN DUTCH, AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH UPON REQUEST!


ISBN: 9789462088474

320 pages, images in color & b/w, 28 x 23,3 cm, hardcover, Dutch (available in English upon request)