Liliane Vertessen: A Love Supreme

Le Musée de la Photographie Charleroi, 2018


Liliane Vertessen is one of the first Belgian artists to use their own body as an artistic medium. She builds installations around photographs of herself in varying roles. She might be a hooker, an innocent girl, a lady or a suicide. She does a balancing act between opposing extremes. Vulnerability and power, hardboiled and sweet, humiliation and worship.

During the early 70s, as a performer in a jazz group, Liliane Vertessen explores the provocative potential of self-portrayal on stage. This is the period when she begins to create self-portraits with a camera and a delay timer. The deceptive medium of photography provides her with the means to demonstrate and manipulate physical and sensual identity.

The black and white photographs are sometimes retouched with colour. Occasionally they are printed on enamel. She adds architectural elements to them: neon hightlights, draped materials, veils, fur, tulle, patent-leather, wooden sculptures, mirrors and marble. This allows them to grow into theatrical structure

SKU: 16080 Category:

ISBN: 9782871830764

192 pagina's, 178 illustraties in kleur, 23 × 17 cm, hardcover, Dutch/English/French