Lara Gasparotto: Solstices

Stockmans Art Books, 2019


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With Solstices, Lara Gasparotto creates her most personal book. No text, only photos. Images that appear, intimately and very close to the artist. Lara walks in her own biotope and captures in her unique way how her generation moves and what she feels.
From Brussels to Ukraine, from Congo to Liège. From winter to spring, from fall to summer. In one movement, the poetic images take you on a trip, more current than ever.
As penetrating as Nan Goldin or Elinor Carucci, Lara Gasparotto shares her life with her generation and the art lover, without ever having the feeling that you are a “voyeur” once.

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ISBN: 9789077207703

256 pages, illustrated, 31 x 24 cm, hardcover, no text