Er was eens een stad: Visionaire planologie

Zef Hemel

Uitgeverij Pluim, 2021


When planner Zef Hemel starts working in Amsterdam in 2004, a search for a new spatial planning begins: visionary planning. This is no longer based on the idea of manufacturability, but is democratic and is fed by the experiences and imagination of citizens. A shared vision of the future becomes the guiding principle in all actions. With the story of Amsterdam as a future metropolis, Hemel introduces a narrative approach and a regional approach. In Once Upon a City he shows how this was done and how his personal heroes Patrick Geddes, Theo van Lohuizen, Jane Jacobs, John Friedmann, Dirk Frieling and James Throgmorton inspired him time and again. This book is Hemel’s magnum opus: the result of his forty-year career as a planner.
Once upon a time, a city demonstrates how visionary planning can bring about major change in an increasingly complex world with modest interventions.IN DUTCH!


ISBN: 9789493256026

416 pages, no illustrations, 21,5 x 14 cm, paperback, Dutch