De wilde tuin

Johan G. Wullaert

We Publish & Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, 2022


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In The Wild Garden, landscape architect Johan G. Wullaert and nature photographer Marc Slootmaekers go in search of the secrets of a nature-friendly garden. In this book you will not only read how you can create an ecological garden yourself, but also why it is so good for the preservation of our native plants and animals.
This book is a guideline for designing and creating your own wild garden. The authors explain the importance of the soil, whether you choose a lawn or lawn and how to choose the right plants for the most nature-friendly, nonchalant result. They teach you how to create a relaxing oasis through the right planting and water features, where not only you, but also wild plants, songbirds and hedgehogs have their place.
The authors conclude the book with five concrete examples: ranging from a wild garden in a modern house to a small urban garden. The versatile content and impressive photography make this book the perfect gift for any (beginning) garden enthusiast. IN DUTCH!

ISBN: 9789463937993

192 pages, illustrated, 29,7 x 23,7 cm, hardcover, Dutch