Carole Vanderlinden: Uppercut

Eric Rinckhout, Annelies Nagels, Koen Sels

De Warande Turnhout, 2019


Publication for the solo exhibition in De Warande, Turnhout by Belgian artist Carole Vanderlinden (1973) and overview of her older and recent paintings, and drawings.

‘Carole Vanderlinden lives with paint. To her, paint is not only a tool, it is also – and perhaps: above all – a goal. Carole Vanderlinden is a painter who thinks in paint. She thinks with the brush. For her, every work is a “work in progress”, every painting is created and grows under her paint brush. She tries in paint, doubts in paint, fights with paint. Also sometimes runs off the rails in paint. But “accidents” are often very fruitful and offer new insights, new openings. Moreover, her paintings are often highlighted.
Carole Vanderlinden is tackling the canvas. You can take that literally: because she regards her canvases, her paintings as objects, even bodies, that challenge her. ”- Eric Rinckhout


ISBN: 9789080752368

143 pages, 23 x 17 cm, illustrated, paperback, Dutch/French/English