Ann Veronica Janssens: Hot Pink Turquoise (Louisiana Museum of Modern Art)

Lærke Rydal Jørgensen, Anders Kold, Margot Heller. (Eds.) Text by Matthieu Poirier, Elizabeth Gollnick, Mieke Bal, Darren Almond, et al. Interview by Margot Heller.

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art & South London Gallery, 2020


Belgian artist Ann Veronica Janssens’ colorful light works and immersive light installations

Inspired by the Californian Light and Space artists from the 1960s, Brussels-based light artist Ann Veronica Janssens (° 1956) creates immersive light installations using light effects, mist and reflective optical illusions.

Ann Veronica Janssens usually works in situ. She is neither a sculptor nor an architect. Starting from a specific space, she adds shapes and volumes to the existing architecture. She works discreetly: she submits to the given space, to the given architectural forms. She often opts for unexpected, not obvious places such as a staircase, a ceiling or a windowsill. Her interventions reveal the specific qualities of an environment. It sets beacons, intended to allow the viewer to define himself in relation to reality. In what way does our viewpoint determine our perception? How does the spectator relate to a specific place? Originally she mainly worked with industrial materials – concrete, wood and glass – and primary shapes. Since 1990, her work has increasingly exhibited an immaterial character: light, sounds and mist take the place of the raw building materials. These works lead to drastic total experiences that completely change the perception of the space.


ISBN: 9788793659278

144 pages, 100 color illustrations, 27 x 17,8 cm, paperback, English