Zeger Reyers: Paviljoen / Pavilion

Sandra Smallenburg, Sara Weyns, Peter Oei, Clement Caremans

Middelheimmuseum & BAI, 2010


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Installations by Zeger Reyers in and around the Braem Pavilion in Antwerp’s Middelheim sculpture park.

Zeger Reyers (1966, NL) became known with installations in which he overgrown spaces with mushrooms or fungi. Natural processes such as eating and being eaten, growth, flowering and decay receive his special attention. He makes fungi grow out of furniture and appliances and he sank chairs into the Oosterschelde to let them become overgrown with mussels. Zeger Reyers’ work cannot be read unambiguously. It radiates a lyricism that is reminiscent of the enthusiasm with which nature was studied in Victorian times. In the passionate way in which Reyers grows mushrooms and collects recipes and information, science and art – just like in the Western worldview of the 19th century – are logically related. He is working on a presentation with various works for the Middelheim Museum, in and around the Braem Pavilion. Once again the transition between origin and decay is central. Moreover, Reyers confronts the biomorphic architecture of the pavilion and the formal language of Renaat Braem.

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ISBN: 9789085865735

95 pages, illustrated, 22,2 x 21 cm, paperback, Dutch/English