The Architecture of Neil Clerehan

Richard Black, Harriet Edquist

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology / RMIT, 2005


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Neil Clerehan (1922-2017) was an Australian architect and architectural writer. He was a supremely talented and modest architect, especially of houses. His architecture was almost invisible, receding in favour of a conversation, a view, a landscape, or simply as a calm backdrop for everyday living. The deft arrangement of planar walls, full-height windows that doubled as doors, the orchestration of serene long vistas within and without, and calm, considered floor plans, with barely perceptible level and material changes, all resulted in gracious spaces, alternately fluid and formal as propriety dictated. No-one could design a more elegant double carport that was also so sensibly convenient. This was Clerehan’s fine art and it is this contribution that marks him as one of the pioneers of Melbourne’s particular strand of postwar domestic modernism. (source: Philip Goad in Architectureau, 1918)

Our copy is new and in perfect condition.

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ISBN: 9780864593832

169 pages, plans & b/w illustrations, 24,5 x 18,5 cm, hardcover, English