Rrose Is a Rrose Is a Rrose: Gender Performance in Photography

Jennifer Blessing, Judith Halberstam, Lyle Ashton Harris, Nancy Spector, Carole-Anne Tyler, Sarah Wilson

Guggenheim Museum Publishers, 1997


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Published to accompany an exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum, New York in 1997. This copy belongs to our private collection and is in perfect condition.

The title of this large, provocative book is a combination of two historical wordplays: Gertrude Stein’s famous “Rose is a rose is a rose,” and Marcel Duchamp’s “Rrose Selavy,” the name of his imaginary, female alter ego. Spoken, it sounds like “Eros, c’est la vie,”or “Eros, that’s life.”
It includes a wealth of pictures as well as six essays on issues such as surrealist ambiguity, the exhibitionist body art of the 1970s, “queer theory” and “queer reality,” and the fluidity of gender identity.this book presents photographically-based artworks in which the gender of the subject is highlighted through performance for the cameras well as through manipulation of the image.

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ISBN: 9780810969018

224 pages, illustrations in color & b/w, 33,5 x 26 cm, hardcover, English