Robert Longo (Albertina)

Elsy Lahner, Klaus Albrecht Schröder, Isabelle Graw

Hirmer Publishing, 2024


The works of Robert Logo (b. 1953) capture moments of tension in nature, politics, and history at their emotional climax. Presented at a monumental scale, the size and virtuoso technique of his photorealistic charcoal drawings enhance his powerful imagery.

Based on photographs and found images, Longo’s drawings tap into cultural and collective memories. In the translation from the intimate drawing process to the massive scale of his final works, his motifs become a powerful presence. Political events and social observations influence his choice of design elements, which he isolates and reduces to heighten their visual impact. Using the stylistic devices of magnification and chiaroscuro, his work can seem equally real and unreal. He emphasizes the spatial depth and plasticity of his subjects, using the deep blackness of charcoal on paper to absorb all light. This book presents ninety full-color images to explore the work of this groundbreaking contemporary artist.


ISBN: 9783777443836

208 pagina's, illustraties in kleur & z/w, 29,3 x 26,5 cm, hardcover, Engels