Refurbishment Manual

Maintenance, Conversions, Extensions

Giebeler, Fisch, Krause, Musso, Petzinka, Rudolphi

Birkhäuser, Basel - Boston - Berlin, 2009


The Refurbishment Manual closes the gap between basic constructional literature and one-sided, highly specialized technical literature. it constitutes a practical planning aid on the subject of refurbishment, providing a basic introduction to the relevant aspects of building physics, fire protection, sustainability and energy, hazardous materials, construction materials for interior and façade, historic preservation, and technical building equipment. It offers concrete tips on planning steps, methods of building analysis, and cost benchmarks, as well as clear constructional solutions with built projects as examples. A unique feature of the volume is the specially developed timeline, which allows the planner to quickly grasp, categorize, and evaluate a concrete building task and thus obtain an efficient planning overview.

Artikelnummer: 2777 Categorie:

ISBN: 9783764399467

272 pages, 1500 illustrations, 400 in color, 23 x 29.7 cm, hardcover, English