Rattle / Hochet: An Inventory of Forms / Un répertoire de formes

Carole Daprey

Editions Piqpoq, 2023


The rattle is often the first toy a child is given, because it stimulates their five senses and helps in their development. Its role as a toy that promotes early learning is essential, but it also acts as a “transitional” object, reassuring the baby when separated from their mother. Inspired by new theories of child development, 20th-century designers such as Kay Bojesen, Patrick Rylands, and Antonio Vitali made revolutionary changes to this familiar object. Drawing on a unique collection, this book presents a rigorous selection of dozens of imaginative creations from this period, with materials ranging from different kinds of natural wood to the smooth, brightly coloured surfaces of plastic.


ISBN: 9782919459124

128 pagina's, geïllustreerd, 24 x 15,2 cm, paperback, Engels/Frans