Producing Futures: A Book on Post-Cyber-Feminisms
Heike Munder
Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, 2019
In the publication Producing Futures – A Book on Post-Cyber-Feminisms, the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst surveys the causes championed by feminists in the post-internet era. The maturation of a number of technologies and the associated digitization of many or perhaps all domains of life have pro-gressed to a point where a digitally engendered media universe arguably defines the compass of our reality and the meanings we find in it. The cyber-feminists of the 1990s hoped to harness the internet’s potential for communication and net-working to establish cyberspace as a realm of liberation and self-empowerment; the time has come for a critical review of this optimism. The new freedoms opened up by the World Wide Web have gone hand in hand with the entrenchment of existing hierarchies and power structures.
ISBN: 9783037645536