Pezo von Ellrichshausen: Window Wall

Pezo von Ellrichshausen

The Architectural Publisher B, 2024


Containing over one thousand handmade works – including paintings, sketches and line drawings – this book is a comprehensive, alphabetical catalogue of Pezo von Ellrichshausen’s twenty-two years of art and architecture practice. The volume also includes a written essay by the authors and an index with the artworks’ dates and techniques.

Extending the figure-ground visual paradox to a fundamental architectonic problem -that of the reciprocity between a wall and a window- this book reflects about the intersection between painting and architecture. Literal and metaphorically, while a wall is meant to be an obstruction that encloses a space, a window on the wall is an opening that defies such a purpose. Likewise, if a window into the wall is both a subtraction of its surface but also an infill with a “view” beyond it, a painting is as much a flat, opaque surface as the illusion of certain space beyond.


ISBN: 9788792700516

416 pagina's, illustraties in kleur & z/w, 28 x 21 cm cm, hardcover, Engels