Kristien Daem: Kodak, T-Max 400 FILM 135-36, 2014. Juliaan Lampens Van Wassenhove House, 1974

Kristien Daem

MER. Paper Kunsthalle, 2014


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Edition of 200 copies, this copy belongs to our private collection and is in perfect condition.

Each page is completely taken up by the image, which always represents a part of Woning Van Wassenhove. The first and last pages can be folded open again, just like a cover. When you leaf through the book in this way, a juxtaposition of six images is created that are next to each other. Each page shows a different image. The entire book consists of 36 images, the total number of images that can be made with a roll of film. The design emphasizes this fact. The time it takes to discover the concept of the book, as well as the serial juxtaposition of images of architecture, contribute to the cinematographic qualities of the book. At the same time, however, the mechanical and photographic origins of the images are also brought to attention. The repeated return of apparently the same images ensures that the images seem to refer more to each other than to the architecture. The differences between some photos – the result of a different camera angle – are barely noticeable.


36 unnumbered pages, b/w images, 23,5 x 16 cm, stapled paperback with cardboard support, no text