Jean-Christophe Quinton Architecte: L’altérité des pièces et la propesse des formes (The Otherness of the Pieces and the Propriety of the Forms)
Eric Lapierre
Building Books, 2024
This second, massive monograph by French architect Jean-Christophe Quinton is made up of a strict alternation of sections of drawings and projects which, in this structural recurrence, reproduce the incessant interweaving of his drawing culture and his architectural culture. He writes, “Drawing is an act so deeply rooted in my practice that it has become inseparable from it, consubstantial with it. It has become a resource. The existential experience of drawing the world, the intimate experience of design drawing, and the shared experience of representational drawing are three singular practices that each lead to a specific form: drawings to see, drawings to design, drawings to show.”
ISBN: 9782492680236