Gigon Guyer Architects

Works & Projects 2001-2011

Annette Gigon, Mike Guyer

Lars Müller Publishers, Baden, 2011


Over the last decade, Gigon/Guyer Architects have realized an impressive range of projects of many different types, most significantly museums, residential properties and office buildings. The monograph takes a close look at Annette Gigon and Mike Guyer’s conception of architecture and how it is specifically expressed in their various constructions. Ideas and approaches are presented through detailed documentation of their work, with numerous photos, plans and short texts. Essays by Gerhard Mack, Arthur Rüegg and Philip Ursprung, a discussion with Martin Steinmann, Patrick Gmür and the two architects as well as photographic inserts on individual buildings examine their work from a variety of perspectives and offer an in-depth analysis of their production.

Artikelnummer: 7209 Categorie:

ISBN: 9783037782767

576 pagina's, ca. 870 illustraties, 16,5 × 24 cm, hardcover, Engels