Carsten Nicolai: Audio Visual Spaces (2006)

Carsten Nicolai, Antonio Somaini, Ive Stevenheydens, Philippe Van Cauteren

Optic acoustic gallery shop & S.M.A.K., 2006


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Our copy is with the original cellophane wrapping: book + poster + CD.

Since the late 90s this artist has transposed sound frequencies and waves into visually perceptible data. Carsten Nicolai (b.1965) is one of the most celebrated living visual and sound artists. Like Alvin Lucier and most experimental audiovisual artists, in exploring the physicality of sound and the challenges of human perception, his work is multifaceted and multidimensional, often solely audio-based, solely visual, or both.

At the SMAK Nicolai presented an ensemble of work which powerfully illustrates the multimedia world in which he lives. In these works he unites aspects of time, space, light and sound to form a more sensory experience. Parallel to this exhibition, the Vooruit Arts Centre in Ghent presented an installation project and a series of concerts based on the Raster Noyon label. This German label brings together several sound artists including Carsten Nicolai himself. This unique collaboration between S.M.A.K. and Vooruit presented the public with a complete picture of contemporary minimal art and music.

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book: 88 pages, color illustrations, 24,5 x 17,4 cm, hardcover, Dutch/English, leaflet, CD A1, 2004 (about 65 minutes)