Álvaro Siza in Detail (2 Volumes)

Nuno Teixeira, Carlos Castanheira, Juhani Pallasmaa and Peter Testa

House Details Architecture, 2022 (second edition)


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The two volumes are the absolute reference from a technical point of view, on the work of Álvaro Siza. Hundreds of details to scale and a high level of information. In the book, three never-before-seen housing projects are shown, through details and construction processes. From a technical point of view, it is the most useful publication, the most demanding, detailed and the one that most and best reveals Siza’s unique genius. It is an absolutely essential book, from a technical and methodological point of view, for understanding his way of thinking, his profound dedication, and his unique talent. Throughout his entire career – Siza has never provided a complete project in AutoCAD, editable DWG format. For this publication he provided three. Siza, generously, allowed the author Nuno Teixiera to disclose, so that he authorized to make changes to the drawings so that they correspond to the constructed project (as built). It would be impossible for the team of architects at House Details, to have a greater honour. They are deeply grateful to Siza for the utmost confidence he had in this team and for having enriched them so much and in so many different ways during this process that lasted over three years and took many thousands of hours of work.


ISBN: 9789895406869 & 978989540676

336 + 352 pages, z/w illustraties, 29 x 23 cm, hardcover, Engels