Ney & Partners: Designing Building Structures

Jeroen Vander Beken, Olivier Gallez, Mathieu Jacques de Dixmude, Charline Lefèvre, Laurane Néron

Ney + Partners, 2022


Structural engineering and architecture are both closely related to creative design. Both disciplines are diverse and different but there is a close interaction between the two as they both shape the primary elements composing a building. Reinforcing a transdiciplinary approach and emphasizing the overlap between structural engineering and architecture can significantly increase the quality of a project. Belgian engineers Ney & Partners have been fortunate to be entrusted with this role by their clients, architects and contractors who share the believe that buildings should only be designed through a collaborative process.
Based on a selection of building projects, this book aims to illustrate what is possible whenan intensive dialogue between all the parties involved leads to an integrated design og building structures.


ISBN: 9789464598476

224 pagina's, illustraties in kleur & plannen, 30,5 x 25,1 cm oblong, hardcover, Engels