Levende bermen: Over ecologie en architectuur van de wegberm

Rita van Biesbergen, Marion de Boo, Tijs van den Boomen

Blauwdruk, 2020


The Netherlands and all of Europe have a fantastic network of nature that is underused: the roadside. Fortunately, initiatives are emerging everywhere to bring roadsides, railway embankments and dikes more to life. Photographer and landscape architect Rita van Biesbergen spent a year photographing the roadsides of the Weg van de Toekomst, the N329 near Oss, where not only the road but also the roadsides have been tackled in an innovative way. That was the starting shot for this book in which the ecology and architecture of the roadside are linked. In essays, Marion de Boo and Tijs van den Boomen discuss the significance, the loss and the opportunities for a natural and beautiful berm. Michel Heesen wrote an introduction and Paul Roncken discussed the design for the N329. In an Atlas of favorite roadsides, examples of inspiring old and new roadsides are shown. And of course the recommendations for nature-friendly verge management are included. IN DUTCH!

ISBN: 9789075271980

144 pagina's, 23 x 22 cm, illustraties in kleur, hardcover, Nederlands