Jozef Peeters en de strijd tegen de tingeltangel (2 volumes)

Het (internationale) netwerk van een Antwerpse pionier in de avant-garde van de jaren 1920

Peter J.H. Pauwels

Ludion, 2022


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This richly illustrated reference work on the life and struggles of the abstract artist Jozef Peeters (1895–1960) offers a fascinating insight into the Belgian and European avant-garde of the mad 1920s, with Antwerp as its base of operations. There, shortly after the end of the First World War, Peeters established himself as the concertmaster of the most progressive art happenings. He founded the Circle of Modern Art and organized three major congresses of modern art, with shocking exhibitions. Together with Michel Seuphor, he led the leading magazine Hetoverzicht between 1922 and 1925; later the art newspaper De Driehoek followed. These cult magazines – with articles by renowned authors and reproductions of the highest quality – made Antwerp at that time a respected link in the European framework of the urban avant-garde.

The extensive research of author Peter J.H. Pauwels sheds light on Peeters’ pioneering role, as a searching artist and as a promoter of international constructivism through his contacts with many passionate fellow combatants at home and abroad. Not only do Belgian figures such as Victor Servranckx, Felix De Boeck, Paul van Ostaijen and Marthe Donas pass the review, but also Piet Mondriaan, Theo and Nelly van Doesburg, Herwarth and Nell Walden, Robert and Sonja Delaunay, Fernand Léger, Lajos Kassak, László Moholy-Nagy, J.J.P. Oud, Marcel Iancu and F.T. Marinetti. Together they believed – for a short time and through trial and error – in a universally recognizable geometric abstract art, which after the debacle of the war would transcend national borders to result in a new, better world. IN DUTCH!


ISBN: 9789493039797

496 pages, illustrated, 32,5 x 24,5 cm, hardcover, 2 volumes in box, Dutch