Jaarboek 2020 Landschapsarchitectuur en stedenbouw in Nederland

Yearbook 2020 Landscape Architecture and Urban Design in the Netherlands

Mark Hendriks, Martine Bakker, Marieke Berkers, Rob van der Bijl, Marc Nolden, Sofia Opfer

Blauwdruk, 2020


This yearbook shows the best and most beautiful projects of 2020. Such as a brand new archipelago in the Markermeer, special dike shapes on Texel and along the Maas, a circular residential area in Amsterdam-Noord, a factory site in Eindhoven developed with residents, a new city center for Uithuizen, and a new station with surroundings in Assen. All beautiful places and plans in which – that is the focus of this book – diversity, sustainability and innovation come first.
The projects have been chosen by an independent committee of professionals. The editors of the magazine Blauwe Kamer compiled the composition. In addition to the findings of the committee and a description of the selected projects, the yearbook includes a portrait of Yttje Feddes – winner of the Bijhouwer Prize for her contribution to landscape architecture – and an essay by government advisor Berno Strootman on “landscape-inclusive” agriculture.

ISBN: 9789492474339

186 pages, illustrations in color & b/w, 30 x 23 cm, paperback, Dutch/English