Giorgio Morandi: The Feeling of Things

Marilena Pasquali

Gli Ori, 2019


The historical-critical work that Marilena Pasquali does on the work of Giorgio Morandi is the fruit of more than thirty years of reflections and research on the artist. The result is a volume divided into three parts (I. Life and the work; II. Themes, places, method, poetry; III. Criticism and research), which winds along a first chronological path and then poetic, to address aspects of Morandian art that are not yet sufficiently detailed. The previous studies are completed by four unpublished essays, respectively dedicated to Morandi’s formative years, with a detailed examination of the corpus of 87 works now catalogued for the period 1910-1919; to the landscapes painted between 1934 and 1938; to critical luck; to the relationship between contemporary art and its work.


ISBN: 9788873367314

312 pages, 24 x 16,5 cm, colour illustrations, paperback, English