Baukunst: Pensées

Frédéric Einaudi (Ed.)

Editions Cosa Mentale, 2021


A construction of collisions of ideas, a mix of thoughts, which bring out new images, silences, certainties, doubts, worlds, and which present us a method of thinking and composing, this publication is the result of the long work carried out by the Brussels architecture agency BAUKUNST. The book is composed of voluntarily fragmentary parts assembled in a triptych form taking again Words, Definitions, and Quotations. The Words are organized in the form of an alphabet primer and belong to vast and varied disciplinary fields. The Definitions are selected among a field of possible meanings for each word. The Citations are extracted from books directly from the agency’s library.


ISBN: 9782491039080

256 pages, illustrated, 29,7 x 21 cm, paperback, French